drawing From Motion (2016)


This project came about as a result of my use of the XBOX Kinect v2 sensor in my work. Through my endeavor to find a way to get the distance of a viewer from the view-screen in real time for another project, I learned how to track every point in a human body, or even multiple human bodies simultaneously. at first I created a Human-Like figure by connecting the points in the order that they appeared in the array of limbs. This created a kind of stick figure, but not as you might expect. I used this initial monotone figure to begin to make works similar to those I had made previously using overlapping green-screen outlines. These 'drawings' could convey motion and speed of motion only, and it was easy to lose track of what each line represented.

The second version of the software I wrote, took into account the depth of each point in order to colour the lines that were drawn, and also allowed the lines to be drawn between every point in the structure, making for a large mass of lines. These were better suited to live performances, than for the making of individual drawings, although interesting effects could be achieved by moving back and forward to make spirals of colour on the white background.